There's no goin' back now. You know it. This is what you have to do. The wind's biting chill makes you wince, the ache in your jaw going down to the side of your face and up your head. You tug your hood tighter over your head but your skull is too big. You try to tug your sleeves down to cover your hands. It doesn't work, they're too small (the sleeves, not your hands. Though now looking... you always had small hands, didn't you?). You try to adjust your waistband of your pants but no matter what you do it sits too tight. Did you gain weight or did your mom never bother to give you anything but second-hand-hand-me-downs? Discomfort grows within you, but you're always uncomfortable nowadays. Always in pain, since that incident.

The bus rolls up to the curb. It's here. It's time. It's the dead of night and you need this more than anything. From a young age you've wanted to run. You've wanted to go missing, but you never imagined being caught. You never realised that what you really wanted was to be sought after. After tonight, you will be chased forever. The trees blend into the black of night, the bus a' thrummin' and growling. Just as you go to step on - you pause. There's no going back. You'll never come home. Do you need this?